
Annual Report and Accounts 2023

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Your water,

our promise

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What's in this report

About us

Who we are

We are a local water supplier providing an essential public service while playing an active role in the communities we are privileged to serve.


What we do

We supply around 160 million litres of clean water every day to more than 750,000 people in parts of Surrey, Kent, West Sussex and South London.


Our purpose

Harnessing the potential of water to enhance nature and improve lives.


Our business in numbers

Q&A with our Chair

Despite everything we’ve had to navigate this year, we’ve continued to provide high-quality water throughout and I’m delighted to see that early results show we’re one of the top ranked companies in terms of water quality.”

Dave Shemanns


Chief Executive Officer’s statement

We have continued to provide financial support for customers through our ‘Here For You’ programme and have focused on ensuring that support reaches those who need it the most.”

Ian Cain

Chief Executive Officer

Our pledges

diagram of pledges

We’ll provide you with high-quality water all day, every day


We’ll provide your service at a fair price and offer help when you need it


We’ll provide you with a service that is fit now and for the future


We’ll provide excellent service, whenever and however you need it


We’ll support a thriving environment we can all rely on


The last 12 months have, once again, demonstrated the absolute importance of our ongoing and increasing focus on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda: the impact our operations have on the environment, and how we mitigate this; the post-COVID cost of living crisis fuelled by geopolitical events, and how we best protect customers from its effects; the importance of preparing for possible future scenarios, and providing transparency and line-of-sight on those impacting us today to key stakeholders.

In a year that saw more UK weather records broken, triggering a nation-wide drought, the storm overflow scandal engulfing our employees elsewhere in the sector and annual inflation reaching levels not seen since the 1970s, the challenges that we and the sector must rise to have never been more apparent.

Where we operate

Our supply area is 322 square miles extending from Morden and South Croydon in the North to Gatwick Airport in the South and from Cobham, Leatherhead and Dorking in the West to Edenbridge in the East.

network resilience diagram
